
ParadoxCatcher is a tool to generate valid configurations for spoofing to resist web tracking. This tools works in four modes, namely Model Builder, Paradox Catcher (not to be confused with the name of the tool itself), Valid Spoof Generator and Dependency finder. You can get the help using the -h flag:

$ ../ -h
usage: [-h]
               (-m sqlDB uthreshold filename | -c modelfile configfile | -s modelfile dthreshold | -d modelfile attribute value dthreshold)

ParadoxCatcher: a tool for generting valid browser configuration for spoofing
to resist web tracking.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -m sqlDB uthreshold filename, --model sqlDB uthreshold filename
                        Generate the model file (filename) using the my
                        database (sqlDB) and Uniqueness Threshold (uthreshold)
  -c modelfile configfile, --catcher modelfile configfile
                        Reveals the paradoxes in a set of configuration stored
                        in a configfile in json format, based on the model in
                        modelfile .
  -s modelfile dthreshold, --spoofgenerator modelfile dthreshold
                        Generates a random set of attributes/values to be
                        spoofed without causing a paradox.
  -d modelfile attribute value dthreshold, --dependency modelfile attribute value dthreshold
                        Finding the dependencies of a target attirbute/value
                        to prevent paradoxes

Each of the modes and corresponding usage and examples are discussed and presented in the following sections: