Dependency FinderΒΆ

Several browser addons, such as User-Agent Switcher, attempt to spoof an attribute of the browser in order to defend against browser fingerprinting. As mentioned previously, a blind approach to this easily causes a paradox in the browser configuration. In dependency finder mode, the tool informs the user about the dependencies of an attribute and suggests values for them. To prevent a paradox, besides the target attribute, its dependents should be changed as well.

Example usage and output:

$ ./ -d ./model_files/extracted_data_freq30.pickle platformJS iPad 0.85

List of attributes in the model:
acceptHttp, cookiesJS, languageHttp, fontsFlashHashed, platformFlash, userAgentHttp, orderHttp, IEDataJS, connectionHttp, resolutionJS, canvasJS, fontsFlash, languageFlash, adBlock, pluginsJS, sessionJS, vendorWebGLJS, dntJS, encodingHttp, resolutionFlash, addressHttp, webGLJs, hostHttp, canvasJSHashed, webGLJsHashed, rendererWebGLJS, localJS, platformJS, pluginsJSHashed
Please input the irrelevant parameters in the dataset separated by a comma or press Enter to continue:
Direct parameter: acceptHttp -> text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Direct parameter: cookiesJS -> yes
Direct parameter: fontsFlashHashed -> ce30cd74ffc46157d73983a8599d5ed2d2564260
Direct parameter: platformFlash -> Flash not detected
Direct parameter: IEDataJS -> no
Direct parameter: connectionHttp -> close
Direct parameter: resolutionJS -> 768x1024x32
Direct parameter: fontsFlash -> Flash not detected
Direct parameter: languageFlash -> Flash not detected
Direct parameter: adBlock -> no
Direct parameter: pluginsJS ->
Direct parameter: encodingHttp -> gzip, deflate
Direct parameter: resolutionFlash -> Flash not detected
Direct parameter: hostHttp -> amiunique-backend
Direct parameter: pluginsJSHashed -> da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
Indirect parameter: cookiesJS -> sessionJS -> yes
Indirect parameter: cookiesJS -> localJS -> yes